Recruitment Idea Books
The BSA has created really informative and easy-to-follow "Idea Books" for each of its Scouting Programs. Take a look at the book for your program and start implementing tried and true recruitment methods for your unit!
BeAScout Pin
The BeAScout website is a great tool that allows people to find scouting units in their neighborhoods and connect with those units. A "pin" is a map pin on the BeAScout tool. If properly leveraged, the unit can use BeAScout as a recruiting tool or to sign-up new scouts at recruiting events. It can even be used to transfer scouts from one unit to another!
It is very important that this information is correct before Fall Recruitment. Here's how. Here's a great video on how to update it as well.
Ideal Year of Scouting
For Pack and Troop Planning, please make sure to have the Ideal Year of Scouting at your fingertips! This is a great guide for planning your program year.

Created by Vicki Johnson on Jul 11, 2018
Last Modified by Joe Davis on Jun 24, 2023